Tinker’s Creek Watershed Partners maintains records of continuing education attendance in addition to issuing certificates. The CEU tab has information about different types of credit, recommendations on how to document, and quizzes for remote learning if applicable. Below you’ll find a link to a Zoom attendance report for each session of the 2020 Ohio Stormwater Conference.
Attendance by session slot and title:
Most use Google Chrome web browser
A2&3 Climate Uncertainty: Stormwater Resiliency Using Updated Precipitation Frequency Estimates
A4 The Benefit of Using Park Open Space for Stormwater Management
A5&A6 Underground Storage and Pretreatment: Design Methods in Ohio
A7 Green Stormwater Infrastructure Opportunities at Marinas
A8 Advancing Stormwater Management at Marinas in the Great Lakes
A10 Biofiltration: Design Considerations for Performance and Longevity
A11 BMP Stormwater Management on Private Property
A12 Green Infrastructure Paves the Way for Community
A14 Southeast Michigan Flooding Study: Assessing Risk & Building Resilience
A16 Coastal Nonpoint Strategy Development in Ohio
A17 Turnkey Water Quality Solutions
B1 Green Infrastructure Monitoring through a Cleveland Metroparks-Kent State University Partnership
B2 Ecological Benefits of Newly Installed Bioretention Basins
B3 Greening “The Land” for a Consent Decree
B4 Green Infrastructure Improvements in Toledo’s Delaware Creek Corridor
B5 Integrating Artful Storm Water Management at Kingwood Center Gardens
B6 Delivering Assets & Strengthening Communities: CBP3 for Green Infrastructure
B7 Enhancing an Aging Residential Neighborhood
B8 Permeable Pavement in Northern Ohio: Hydrologic and Water Quality Performance
B9 GI: Developing a Universal Framework for Different Cultures and Climate
B11 Innovative Public Outreach Strategies for Integrated Planning
B12 Multi-Community Collaboration to Reduce Wet Weather Flows through Green Infrastructure
B13 What if there are no special plants for a rain garden?
B14 Designing Green Infrastructure with O & M in Mind
B17 Watershed-Scale Restoration; Upper Ohio and Tuscarawas Stream Restoration
C1 It’s 9-Elementary, My Dear Watershed (20 minutes)
C1 It’s 9-Elementary, My Dear Watershed (50 minutes)
C2 Sandusky Bay Restoration Initiative – Solving Bay WQ Problems
C4 Wetland Restoration at the Euclid Creek Dugway Storage Tunnel System
C6 Dam Removals and Urban River Restoration in Flint, Michigan
C7 Rocky River Stormwater Masterplan- A Baldwin Creek Case Study
C8 Evaluating Flood Solutions in an Urban Setting with Complex Geology
C9&C10 Managing Stormwater Regionally and Collaboratively
C11 The Value of Design-Build in Ecological Restoration
C12 Thinking Outside the Gabion Box: Holistic Solutions Offer Long-Term Value
C13 Reconnecting Streams with their Floodplains in the Chagrin River Watershed
C14 The One Water Campaign for Southeast Michigan
C15 Thirty Years of the Student Watershed Watch Program
C16 Start with Schools: Stream Restoration & STEM: A Perfect Match
C17 Ohio Comparative Stormwater Rate Study
C18 Unique and Effective Ways to Educate for Improving Water Quality
D1 Flood Prevention using Automated Controls for Weir Gate and Pumping
D4 You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
D5 Wood is Good for Restoring Eroding Streambanks
D6 Effective Maintenance Practices for Restoring Permeable Pavement Infiltration Rate
D7 Stormwater Master Plan Support Through GIS Services
D8 Urban Land Use Impacts on Stormwater Runoff
D9 Engineering for Industrial Stormwater Permit Compliance
D10 Inspection of Storm & Combined Sewers 100 Years Old
D11 Skimmer Sediment Basin Design – Advanced Modeling Workshop
D12 The Shape of Water Storage – The Importance of Geometry
D13 Archimedes Approach to Time of Concentration Calculations for Hydrology
D14 Analysis of Rainfall on Nutrient Levels in Euclid Creek Watershed
D15 Assessment of Bioretention Performance for Hydrology and Hydrocarbons
D16&D17 Integrated Stormwater & Sanitary Sewer Analysis Basement Backup Success
D19 Grassy Creek Stormwater Master Plan Tackles Neighborhood Flooding
E1 Stormwater Billing – Simple or Not?
E2 WEF Stormwater Institute’s National MS4 Needs Assessment Survey
E3 Collaborative MS4 Permit Compliance in Southeast Michigan
E4&E5 Real-World Issues Experienced by MS4s in Meeting Evolving General Permit Requirements
E6&E7 Using Power BI to Track Cleveland WPC Levels of Service
E8 Adaptive Stormwater Controls for CSO Reduction and Flood Risk Mitigation
E9 How Stormwater Quality Reduces Flooding- Dover Ditch Restoration Project
E10&E11 Suspended Pavement Systems to reduce CSO overflows in Spokane, WA
E12 Reducing Yellow Creek Erosion with Stormwater Management and Stream Restoration
E13&E14 Retrofitting storm sewers to reduce the frequency of stream disturbances
E16 Funding Stormwater Management Projects
E17 Hot Topics In Stormwater Law & Litigation
E18 Lakewood’s Integrated Plan: Stormwater Modeling Creates Legal Protection
E19 On Golden Pond? Risk of Liability: Ponds, Dams, and Flooding
Quiz Results: